Benefits of PVC pressure elbows in agricultural irrigation systems


In the agricultural irrigation sector, it is important to have high-quality accessories that guarantee efficient operation of the system.

PVC pressure elbows are accessories commonly used in agricultural irrigation systems to change the direction of irrigation pipes. At Mundoriego we specialize in providing high quality accessories for irrigation installations. In this article we will show you the benefits of PVC pressure elbows for agricultural irrigation facilities.

What are PVC pressure elbows?

PVC pressure elbows are pieces made of PVC-U (rigid unplasticized polyvinyl chloride), whose function is to change the direction of the irrigation pipes.

PVC-U is a material that is obtained through the vinyl chloride monomer polymerization process. Its chemical composition is structurally stronger compared to conventional PVC.

In addition, it does not contain bisphenol A (BPA) or phthalates, which are two chemical substances that PVC contains, and which together function as plasticizers that provide flexibility to the material.

The presence of chlorine in PVC-U creates a resin that makes the material offer thermal, chemical and mechanical resistance up to temperatures of 60 ºC.

PVC pressure elbows are manufactured at 45 and 90º to adapt to the specific needs of the irrigation system.

Benefits of PVC pressure elbows in agricultural irrigation systems:

Low cost: Compared to other materials such as steel or bronze, PVC is a cheaper material. This makes it ideal for large irrigation systems where a large number of accessories are required.

Easy to install: PVC pressure elbows are light and easily manageable, thanks to the low specific density of PVC-U, compared to that of materials such as steel, which makes them ideal for large irrigation systems.

In addition, they do not require welding, which reduces installation time and cost. You can find them with glued, threaded and mixed union.

Corrosion resistant: Elbows made of PVC-U are resistant to most acid and alkaline substances thanks to the resins that cover them, therefore, corrosion and contamination by the environment in which they are found or the liquid they transport are not a problem for these accessories.

Mechanical strength: It is possible to work at an operating pressure from 4 to 16 bars with these PVC-U fittings, due to their mechanical properties. It is a completely insulating material, that is, it is not an electrical conductor.

Characteristics of PVC-U elbows:

  • High pressure resistance: PVC-U elbows are capable of withstanding high water pressures, guaranteeing a constant flow without interruptions in the irrigation system.
  • Good thermal insulation: PVC-U elbows are good thermal insulators, which means that water condensation does not occur and it is guaranteed that it does not freeze inside the pipes.
  • They are not resistant to UV rays: PVC-U elbows are not resistant to UV rays, unless they are specifically treated for it. In fact, continuous exposure to solar radiation causes the material to experience a change in color and properties, affecting the durability and properties of the accessory.

How to choose the best PVC pressure elbows for your irrigation system:

Check the maximum pressure supported by the elbow: Be sure to choose an elbow that is capable of withstanding the pressure required for your irrigation system.

Good thermal insulation: This will help prevent condensation and ensure that water does not freeze inside the pipes.

Check the resistance to UV rays: If your use is outdoors, be sure to choose a pre-treated elbow that is resistant to UV rays to prevent deterioration under continuous exposure to sunlight.


PVC pressure elbows are essential accessories in agricultural irrigation systems. These accessories are highly sought after due to their low cost, ease of installation and high resistance to corrosion. When choosing PVC pressure elbows for your irrigation system, it is important that you make sure to choose PVC-U fittings so that it offers characteristics such as: high resistance to pressure, good thermal insulation and resistance to corrosion.

Visit our website and you will find PVC pressure elbows, sanitary PVC elbows y PVC drainage elbows and choose the ones you need!

En Mundoriego We specialize in providing high quality accessories for air conditioning systems. drip irrigation, and we are ready to help you choose the best accessories for your system. Contact us!

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