Water efficiency in irrigation systems

water efficiency
water efficiency

Many times we notice that the facilities in our garden, and / or that of a neighbor, provide water at various points, thus wasting a significant amount of water that, as we know, is a vital resource that we should not waste.

What does water efficiency mean in irrigation systems?

To speak of water efficiency is to speak of the set of techniques aimed at achieving the least possible waste of water.

Water efficiency in irrigation systems means that the water used to irrigate a garden, for example, is appropriate so that the plants are in good condition, healthy.


What are irrigation systems?

The so-called irrigation systems are made up of structures that will make it possible for us to determine and delimit the areas or lands that are accessible to be cultivated, by applying just the amount of water necessary for the plants.

Through time it has been proven that the most efficient irrigation system is that of rain, since no other system equals it in uniformity. However, the different water efficiency techniques created have already been perfected, so that an irrigation system can resemble rain, but in addition to that, it will adjust the irrigation to the necessary amount that the particular plantation needs.

These systems are made up of several components. Depending on these components, it can be:

  1. Sprinkler irrigation system. This technique consists of applying the water to the plants imitating the fall of the rain, that is, applying the jet of sprayed water, in drops. This system works through a network of pipes that will transport the water to the sprinklers, which use pressure to launch it. To enhance this type of irrigation, the water is distributed through a pumping system.
  2. Drip irrigation system, or drop by drop. It is a technique that will allow a better application of water and fertilizer in agricultural environments in the driest areas. The water applied through this technique, infiltrates directly into the soil through a system formed by pipes and emitters, which will irrigate the entire root zone in this way. This system is also known as a localized irrigation system.
  3. Surface irrigation system. This technique consists of applying the water to the ground by means of gravity. It includes a large number of variants of this system, for example, by furrows, pools, strips, by flowerbeds, facing, etc., in which the water is carried to the plot and the soil itself distributes it, covering the entirety or only part of its surface, as needed.

What is irrigation efficiency?

It is the efficiency that must exist in the application of water in an irrigation system. There must be a percentage ratio between the amount of water that is stored in the so-called root zone (which is available to the plant) and the amount of water that is applied by the irrigation system.

The efficiency of the proper application and its uniformity are its main indicators.

What are the criteria for designing an irrigation system?

To design an irrigation system that meets the water efficiency criteria, it must be taken into account that it meets:

  1. Apply the water evenly. In order to comply with this uniformity criterion, some aspects must be pointed out, such as:
  • Get irrigation emitters that have good coverage 
  • Adjust the installation so that the irrigation emitters work with the optimum pressure.
  • Make sure to install the appropriate spray nozzle in each of the emitters, so that in this way the rainfall is proportional to the angle of irrigation coverage it has.
  • Make sure to take into account the unevenness that exists in the garden, to adjust the situation of the irrigation emitters and the model to choose.
  • Carry out a good regulation of each issuer at the time of putting them into operation.

2.Apply the appropriate amount of water that the plants require. In this case, there are also several criteria that must be taken into account when designing the irrigation installation. Among these criteria, the most important are:

  • Divide the garden into all the sectors that are necessary and, having done this, divide them separately, despite the fact that this causes an increase in theoretical irrigation sectors. This is an investment that pays off quickly, taking into account the installation price compared to the price of water consumption.
  • An automation system must be adopted that is adapted to each circumstance. In general, centralized automation is always preferable.
  • Program the installation of different climate control sensors, such as rain gauges, wind sensors, ETP sensors, among others.
  • Match the irrigation times with the particular needs of each sector, for example, weekly, daily, etc.
  • Prepare mechanisms to avoid wasting water due to breaks in the network.
  • Some mechanisms that prevent runoff in slopes and uneven areas should be included in the irrigation project.
  • As far as possible, create a system for the use of rainwater.

If an irrigation system is designed following these recommendations, it will have a system that will present high irrigation uniformity. This will be rewarded with a balanced plant growth in addition to an increase in the level of germination, and by being established in newly built gardens, we will avoid waterlogged and / or dry areas, depending on the case.

What is Application Efficiency (Ea)?

Application efficiency (Ea) is known as the relationship between the water that is stored in the area where the roots of the crops are (and that can be used by them) and the total water that is applied during irrigation. .

What is the Uniformity Coefficient?

The uniformity of the application of water during irrigation is a very important aspect to take into account during the application of water. This uniformity implies that all plants within the same irrigated area should receive exactly the same amount of water when it is applied.

Irrigation uniformity is affected by factors such as:

  1. The jet launched by the sprinklers does not evenly reach the entire coverage area.
  2. Some areas of the sprinkler system may be clogged and the amount of water is not applied equally.
  3. The water pressure also influences generating variations in the irrigation system.
  4. The wind is also a factor that causes variations since it carries the water to other distances.

El Uniformity coefficient (CU) It will indicate the uniformity that exists between the distribution of the applied water and the irrigation in the soil. If the uniformity is low, it indicates that there is a greater risk of water deficit in some sectors, as well as a greater risk of deep seepage in other areas. This coefficient is measured by placing collecting cups on a surface, in order to measure the amount dropped in each one of them and statistically determine the percentage of uniformity in the volumes collected.

Water losses during irrigation

When designing the appropriate irrigation system for your plantation, it must be taken into account that water losses may occur due to factors such as:

  1. Runoff. This factor will represent the fraction of the irrigation water that remains circulating on the surface of the soil when irrigation is carried out, without infiltrating it and without being retained by the plants. These losses can become significant in surface irrigation, even more so when the slope of the land is greater than 4 per 1000. 
  2. Deep percolation. It is the fraction of the irrigation water that infiltrates the soil and crosses the entire root zone of the plant without being retained in it, which is why it is not used.
  3. Evaporation. It is when the water evaporates and is dragged through the air while irrigation is taking place, so it is not absorbed by the plants. Sometimes, depending on the temperature, it can happen that 25% of the water that comes out of the sprinklers does not reach the ground.
  4. Dragged by the wind. It refers to the amount of water that the wind carries away under the action of gusts of air, which can be occasional or continuous.
  5. Transportation and distribution losses. They indicate the losses that, in general, occur in channels that are not lined or with coatings in poor condition, with the presence of grass, dirt and other obstructions, as well as some leaks in the ducts.

If you want to know more and need extra information, do not hesitate to visit our website and contact contact with us, and remember that we are experts in pressure gauges, irrigation programmers, accessories for irrigation controllers and in irrigation online store.


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