Advantages and disadvantages of hydroponic crops

Advantages and disadvantages of hydroponic crops
Advantages and disadvantages of hydroponic crops

Hydroponic crops are all the rage. It is about the cultivation of plants without soil. A very efficient system that is becoming very popular especially in large cities because, among other things, it allows greater space savings since it can even be planted vertically. We talk about the advantages and disadvantages of hydroponic crops.

Advantages of hydroponic crops

It requires less space: one of the great advantages of hydroponics is that it allows us a great saving of space. The reason is that, since the roots receive the optimal food, they do not need to grow to find water. This means that we will not need space for them to grow, so there is a considerable saving of this element.

It's lighter: Hydroponic growing is much lighter because it doesn't require soil. The weight of the crop set is therefore reduced. Not just space. This is perfect for vertical structures.

It is a cleaner system: By not using soil, there will be no detachment of particles from it, so we can count on the fact that, in general, the hydroponic growing system is cleaner than the traditional one.

It allows greater savings: The water we use to nourish our plants can be reused. This implies a great saving of resources such as water and nutrients. The figures point up to 50% compared to conventional irrigation.

Crop production increases: as plants receive the ideal food, their productivity increases.

Disadvantages of hydroponic growing systems

The advantages of hydroponics make it seem like an ideal system, but it also has its disadvantages, like practically everything in life. One of them is that a much stricter control of irrigation is needed because it must be adjusted very well to the needs of the plant. You also have to be very constant because if we get lost, we can lose the crop.

However, for this problem we have a good solution: irrigation automation. Although this help requires the use of energy. It will require adding an extra expense to hydroponic cultivation, but we will not run the risk of leaving our plants without the sustenance they need. On the other hand, there are very efficient irrigation automation systems that require minimal consumption. Do you know our solutions?

Now, if we add to all this the cost of installing a pot with hydroponic automatic watering, we see that the cost of maintenance has already increased a little. However, with all this, and in the long run, hydroponics continues to allow us to save compared to other systems.

In general, making a balance between the advantages and disadvantages of hydroponic crops, we can deduce that it is a highly recommended system, especially in large cities, where there is very little space. Also when it is intended to achieve a better crop yield and greater saving of resources.

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