Technical irrigation, what it is and how to do it

technical irrigation
technical irrigation

El technical irrigation It is an increasingly sought-after term and it has its logic: as climate change advances and utility bills rise, we want more efficient and automated solutions or at least a lot of work to be done. We explain you what is technical irrigation and how it works.

What is technical irrigation

Technical irrigation is a irrigation system which simultaneously applies water and fertilizers to the plants in the right amount and necessary, at the key moment, without having to worry about anything.

How does this type of irrigation work?

Technified irrigation is possible thanks to installation of a network of pipes with different types of emitters or by means of drip irrigation.

It does not matter how we do it because this efficient irrigation system will provide both the water and the nutrients that our crops need without us having to worry about anything. Well yes, from the initial programming.

Advantages of technical irrigation

To be fair, it must be said that the advantages of modernized irrigation are many. So many and so important for sustainability and the environment that there are even training plans such as the technical irrigation course to become specialists in the area.

  • The water is applied directly to the area that it needs it, so the action of the wind is not unfavorable to us. This already tells us directly that technified irrigation it only provides the water required by the plant when it is needed, without waste, using just and necessary resources. Better for the environment and better for your pocket.
  • Allows us effectively control pests.
  • Can be adapted to any type of terrain.
  • Avoid the weed growth around our plantations.

If we unite all this we find the 3 great advantages of technified irrigation:

  1. Saving
  2. Environmental care
  3. Comfort

What does this type of irrigation cost?

The answer is relative. If you have deep knowledge of agriculture, you can install it yourself saving costs. But, the ideal is that you go to professionals where they advise you and make you a customized budget.

The idea is that each cm2 of your plantations are covered. Even if you don't install it yourself, technical irrigation will allow you to save a lot in the short, medium and long term. So, if in doubt, don't even think about it.

Technified irrigation by gravity

Gravity irrigation is becoming more technical to achieve the same objectives. It must be said that the modernization of irrigation is quite an important matter for the authorities that promote good practices with a view to a more sustainable future. The reason is that it applies the right amount of resources and improves results in plantations. It can even accelerate their growth. 

Technified surface irrigation

Technified irrigation is also often known as technical surface irrigation because the water is deposited on the surface (as well as the fertilizers) achieving that the absorption is faster and more complete.

It is interesting to know that this type of irrigation can be implemented in practically any crop. For example, technical irrigation can be used for fruit plantations.

I have an old irrigation system and I want to implement technical irrigation

If this is your case, don't worry. Put yourself in the hands of the best professionals so that they advise you and make the change as soon as possible so that you too can start contributing towards a more sustainable future for all.

Technified irrigation is just one of the many things you can do so that your steps in the land (not just that of your plantations) count.

If you have any questions, you can contact contact with us or write a comment on this post.

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