What is sprinkler irrigation, how does it work and what are its advantages

What is sprinkler irrigation, how does it work and what are its advantages
What is sprinkler irrigation, how does it work and what are its advantages

When it comes to nourishing our plantations with water, there are many methods. One of them is sprinkler irrigation. It sure sounds like a lot to you because it is one of the most famous irrigation systems, but do you know what it is and its characteristics? If you are not very clear, in this article we will briefly explain it to you.

What is sprinkler irrigation?

Sprinkler irrigation is an irrigation system through which the water reaches the plants in the form of rain, that is, through droplets. It is a system that doses the water very well and that is similar to the natural way in which the environment performs the function of hydrating the soil and the plants that are in it.

How does sprinkler irrigation work in detail?

The water with which the plants are going to be irrigated is collected automatically from a well, a river, a lake, a reservoir, etc. A structure is used to store the water, which can be a natural lake or a reservoir built for the same purpose, whether underground or not.

The installation of the irrigation system is carried out depending on the situation of the land. It can be by gravity, if the area to be irrigated is at a lower level than the storage location, or by pumping, if the land is at a higher level.

Irrigation system throwing water drops away

What are the advantages of sprinkler irrigation?

The main advantage of the sprinkler irrigation system is that water consumption is much better than in other systems such as furrow or flood irrigation, however, it has many others. For example, it can be used very easily on land that is on hills, the water can be dosed with great precision and it is a very positive system for the plants since the water coverage is total and the water is distributed gently without pressure that can cause damage.

As disadvantages, it should be noted that although its water consumption is very efficient, it is not the one that allows the most savings to be made since the drip irrigation system surpasses it in this regard.

Finally, and as a curious fact, there are several types of specific sprinkler irrigation, such as the one created to limit frost damage, to achieve snow on bases that are not usually influenced by this phenomenon, or for field hydration.

At MUNDORIEGO we not only have sprinkler irrigation, we have thousands of products at the best price, such as: dosing pump, Bilge Pump, fertilizer, and if you are looking for more product visit our irrigation online stores.

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