Irrigation controllers: use and advantages

Irrigation controllers: use and advantages
Irrigation controllers: use and advantages

Not long ago we were talking to you about what were irrigation controllers. If you missed it, don't worry, in this article we are going to rescue the important information and also present you the different types of irrigation programmers that you have at your disposal in the market.

  •          What is an irrigation controller

An irrigation programmer is a tool that is usually connected to a water outlet to allow us to program both the days, hours and duration of irrigation for our crop. Surely you have considered that it is very useful for when you go on vacation and it is, but it is also useful for saving time and money for those people who have gardens at a professional level and have to manage other tasks.

  •          Advantages of using irrigation controllers

In addition to allowing us to program the irrigation of our crops when we are away from home and not depend on the help of another person, using these tools has many other advantages.

Did you know that using an irrigation programmer can help you save a large volume of water? That's right, since we can adjust the exact irrigation time, so that the crop receives the precise amount of water that it is capable of absorbing without wasting a minute of irrigation. A very important advantage that we should all take into account. Apart from this, they adapt to any irrigation flow as there are different diameters of valves to control the sectors.

Another important thing to note about these tools is that they allow us to automate irrigation whether we have electricity or not, since there is a wide range of programmers that work both with alternating current (220V), and 12v batteries and photovoltaic solar collectors as supplied by direct current batteries.

We must also highlight the possibility of controlling and automating the entire fertigation system, no matter how complex it may be, sitting from home, since currently the programmers can be controlled from a PC or from a simple APP on our mobile.

As if that were not enough, they are very simple to use.

  •          Types of irrigation controllers

There are mainly two types of irrigation controllers: one for gardening and one for agricultural irrigation. The main differences between one and the other can be quickly deduced having said this.

The programmers for gardening They are usually simpler and easier to use and are suitable for small orchards and gardens. The agricultural ones are designed to cover large areas and their use is a little more complex.

In the gardening irrigation programmers, the programmers of TORO, both AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current). It is a quality brand whose products are highly efficient, reliable and resistant.

In controllers for agricultural irrigation we highlight the programmers of PROGRESS, the AGRONIC, very well adapted to the different needs of this type of crop. They also offer great resistance, reliability and efficiency in distributing water.

If you are knowledgeable in the matter, with the information that we have given you, we are sure that you will be able to make the right choice, but if you do not have much experience, it is likely that you will have doubts. If so, do not hesitate to contact us, we are experts in the field and we will be happy to learn about your project and advise you, without any commitment, on what you need. 

If you are interested in more products from MUNDORIEGO, here we have some that are at the best price, which are: Solenoid valves, watter deposits, water meters y drip irrigation system.

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