How to prepare a garden for winter

prepare your garden for winter
prepare your garden for winter

If you have just started planting or have already experienced the consequences of not having protection for your crops during the cold, in this post you will find all the information you need about how to prepare a garden for the winter.

What happens if I don't prepare the garden for the cold?

Each plantation has different needs. For example, the irrigation systems adapted, a certain temperature, etc. However, it is normal that most crops are lost if we do not know how to prepare our garden for the winter in order to protect it from intensive rains and extreme temperatures.

Moral: Not protecting our crops directly entails the possibility of losing everything that we have been working on during the year, with all that that may entail for ourselves.

When to prepare a garden for the winter?

When we have to use what we have learned about winterizing a garden depends on where the crops are located, rather than the exact day we enter the winter season. It is not the same to plant in the Balearic Islands, for example, or in the Canary Islands, than in the north of the Iberian Peninsula.

Keep in mind that climate change is already being felt and we are aware of this because the cold or the rains no longer start exactly when we remembered.

You have to be attentive to how the season is happening each year to the exact moment in which the rains begin and the temperatures drop below what your different crops need.

How to prepare your garden for the cold of autumn-winter. Helpful Resources.

Fortunately, there are all kinds of solutions to prepare our garden for cold, wind, rain and frost to avoid losing all the effort we have made.

Cloaks of Hibernation

An example are the hibernation mantles that are placed on the crops as a cover. These can be left on all day and work as a kind of greenhouse, although it does not offer us all the coverage we need in all cases, hence the importance of the greenhouses that we will talk about in the next paragraph.


The greenhouses They are, to put it in some way, the great solution to not having an extensive cultivation, since there are of all sizes. The great advantage of greenhouses is that they are easily placed and stored until the next time we have to use them..

Greenhouse tunnels

A mixture of tunnel and greenhouse, this resource to prepare your garden for the cold this year will allow you protect your seedlings and speed up planting and, logically, the harvest. It is interesting to make sure they have anti UV treatments to achieve a maximum coverage of the needs of the plants and that the tool has greater durability.

Polypropylene covers

All the polypropylene covers transparent with flexible structure are another great resource to prepare the garden for the cold. It is easy to assemble and works in a simple way: they are fixed to the substrate using pegs. They always have a system such as, for example, a zipper that will always allow easy access to the crops. That is why they are a good solution for plantations that are not very large in extension. Hence, they are perfect for planting and germination.

Do you need help to protect your garden from the cold? Contact us. We advise you without obligation!

Recommended reading: Sustainable irrigation technique, which is the best?

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