The essentials to take care of your pool


The good weather is approaching and the time to uncover the pool (for those who have done so) or to get it ready. What is needed to take care of a swimming pool? Pay attention, we will explain it to you below.

Key aspects to take care of your pool and keep it in optimal conditions

If you have not yet carried out any maintenance on the pool or you have not installed it and you are worried about the care it may entail... Breathe! Is easier than it looks like. You just have to know the essential parts that you need to review.

There are a number of steps we must take to take care of a pool. Simply doing them well and when appropriate, is enough to keep it up to date and ready to take a dip whenever you feel like it.

Clean both the walls and the bottom of the pool

If we have removed the water from the pool to 'close' it during bad weather, this will be the first step we must take: clean both the walls and the bottom of the pool with a specific descaling product that you can then easily rinse with water. Do not use jet or pressure washers! They are not suitable for taking care of any type of swimming pool lining.

Sanitize the filtering system, as well as the skimmers

The treatment plant is an essential part, so to take care of the pool you have to be up to date. The point is that you clean the entire filtering system well, eliminating the residues that have remained in it. lend special attention to glass or sand that it can contain and also those known as skimmers that are responsible for collecting the water for later filtering.

Fill the pool with water if you had it empty

This step has no mystery. Open the faucet and fill the pool in the appropriate measures. Of course, keep in mind that the expert advice is start water treatment when the pool is half full.

Regulate the pH value of the pool water

The ideal pH value of pool water is between 7,2 and 7,6. Values ​​that exceed or are below these figures can be harmful to the skin and even to the pool. it will be very easy for you check the values ​​with a meter or you can also do the regulation automatically. If you decide to do it manually, just remember use a pH raiser or reducer as appropriate.

Apply water treatment

This step depends on the main product you want to disinfect the water with. If you wish do it with chlorine, you need to get the level of this between 1mg and 1,5mg per liter. It is recommended to use rapid disinfection chlorine to speed up the process of eliminating microorganisms that may be in the water.

If water treatment is desired make with salt, it is recommended to apply quick-dissolving chlorine based on the dose recommended by the manufacturer and, subsequently, add 3 to 5 kilos of salt for each m3 water. When you do this, you'll need to turn on the salt chlorinator and filtration equipment, as well as make sure the pH of the water is at the correct levels.

Perform water quality maintenance

Water is the protagonist in any pool and, as such, the fact that it is in optimal conditions is always essential. Algae are very friendly to swimming pools, not the other way around, and they become more resistant over time. For this reason, we recommend maintain some discipline by adding a product against algae and a flocculant.

The recommendation is to mix both substances and dilute them in water to later pour the resulting mixture around the pool in its entire perimeter.

Check the rest of the elements to take care of your pool

When using our pool, it is important to review all the aspects that are part of it, beyond the essential ones mentioned. Checking, for example, the state of the skimmers (those holes through which the pool water enters the filtering system), is one of the tasks that are recommended to do to take care of a pool, in addition to these:

  • Check the sump that collects the water from the bottom.
  • Check the condition of the suction and delivery nozzles.
  • Check the condition of the pump, valve and the pre-filter, which is the one that collects the largest particles.
  • Check the condition of the PVC pipes and, lastly, of the electrical panel.

Do you need help with the maintenance of your pool? Do you have doubts about how to carry out a task or what product can help you do it better? ¡Contact us! We will love to help you in our section of Piscinas of Mundoriego. Also do not forget to visit our products, we have a wide variety of products for drip irrigation that you have will be great.

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