How to water an urban garden

irrigation in urban garden
irrigation in urban garden

The success of urban garden crops depends on multiple factors. As we already told youIt is necessary to carefully plan the location of the crop, the type of soil that best suits the conditions of the place and what we want to produce and which pots are the most suitable. A factor as important as those mentioned is irrigation.

Choosing the type of irrigation that best suits the weather conditions, the terrain and our cultivation will be one of the keys so that we can have a healthy and productive urban garden. 

The most advisable thing in this type of crops is a localized irrigation. Urban gardens are usually made up of small pots or plots, so controlled irrigation allows both saving water and ensuring that each plant receives the necessary amount of water. If the land is somewhat larger, other non-localized irrigation methods, such as furrow irrigation or sprinkling, can also be used.

Types of irrigation in an urban garden

Watering by hand: hose and watering can

If the urban garden is very small and we only have a small plot or not very large flowerpots, the most obvious irrigation option will be to use a watering can. If we prefer to have a continuous stream of water, a hose will also give us the control we need without the need to fetch more water on a regular basis. 

Irrigation with a hose and a watering can can be used as the main method of irrigation if the growing area is small or as secondary irrigation, supporting another type of irrigation that acts as a primary one.


This system is the most used in urban gardens, whether on terraces, balconies, gardens or dedicated plots for exclusive use as an urban garden.

Drip irrigation consists of giving the plant a controlled and constant irrigation. This system allows the optimal development of the plant, preventing water stress from occurring in it. The droppers They also allow saving water since they provide just enough, without producing waste. 

To carry out a drip irrigation installation in an urban garden, it is best to use self-compensating drippers, capable of maintaining a constant water flow. Within the self-compensating drippers we find the integrated ones or the button ones. In urban gardens, the most common are those of button, since they can be installed in the pipes at distances not equidistant according to the needs of the crop, its size, etc.  


The microtubes They are small pipes that deliver the water directly to the plant that needs to be watered. To use them, we must connect small pipes to the main pipe and take them to the crop, making the end of the microtube coincide with the place where the water must be deposited for irrigation.


La micro-spray It is a type of irrigation that makes water reach the crop in the form of very small drops. This irrigation is suitable for sensitive crops since the size of the drops it creates does not harm the plants. It is similar to traditional sprinkling, but the elements necessary to produce it are smaller than usual, causing the size of the scope to decrease.

This irrigation requires foggers and diffusers. While the nebulizers are in charge of transforming the water into a mist, the diffusers propel it at the desired angle so that it reaches the crop. 

Factors to consider when choosing a type of irrigation

  • Amount of water required by each type of crop
  • Irrigation water quality
  • Climatology of the place
  • Size of the plot or place of cultivation

If you want to know more about the solutions that Mundoriego can offer you for the irrigation of your urban garden, do not hesitate to visit our website and contact contact with us, and we are also experts in ball valve, butterfly valve, gate valve and in irrigation online stores.

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