Greenhouses: what are they and what type of crops are they used for


A greenhouse is a closed structure, covered by transparent materials. Its structure is made up of a translucent outer cover, usually made of plastic or glass, which allows the sun's rays to pass inside. In it, it is possible to artificially create the ideal conditions for the correct development of our cultivation.
In addition, in a greenhouse it is possible to control various factors such as temperature, humidity and other important factors that directly influence the growth of plants and their fruits.

What characteristics should a greenhouse have

There is a great diversity of types of greenhouses (tunnel, chapel, asymmetric, etc.). Each of these types of greenhouses has a different shape but their operation is very similar to each other. However, it is essential to know the pros and cons of each type of structure and its characteristics to know if they can solve our needs.

Greenhouses must meet a series of essential requirements to perform their function properly.

Luz: Sunlight is one of the most important requirements for any type of plant to grow. Therefore, it also becomes a fundamental requirement to take into account when choosing the place of the greenhouse. This should have a minimum of 6 hours of light a day.

Temperaturea: Solar radiation passes through the translucent structure and this causes heating inside the greenhouse. These solar rays emit infrared radiation with a wavelength longer than that of the sun, which remain inside and cause heating.

Humidity: Most plants or crops need constant humidity. It is important to control the humidity percentage, since if it is too high, pests could appear that could damage the plantation.

Ventilation: The greenhouse must have the necessary ventilation so that the crops grow properly and the temperature is not excessively high. If necessary, we must resort to the installation of fans inside. As is the case in the opposite case, when temperatures are excessively low we can resort to the installation of heat pumps to achieve the correct temperature.


Advantages of greenhouse cultivation

Production intensification: In greenhouses it is possible to create and control the perfect weather conditions to achieve the development of plants or crops. Its insulation from the outside protects it from adverse weather conditions or pests that could endanger its growth.

Lower risk: The protection provided by a greenhouse minimizes the damage that can be caused by adverse weather events caused by climate change. In the open field, there are certain phenomena such as hail or very intense rains that can cause great losses. For this reason, the performance of a greenhouse is superior to those plantations that are in the open field.

Possibility of cultivating all year round: The fact that the crops are completely isolated from the outside, allows cultivating at any time of the year, regardless of the season or weather conditions. It does not matter if the winter is excessively cold or excessively hot, because heating or ventilation systems can be installed, as we have mentioned above.

Out-of-season product cultivation: An advantage of being able to grow any time of the year is that we can also grow any type of crop. This is because we can create the most suitable weather conditions for it to develop properly.

High quality products: Plants or crops are isolated from the outside and, therefore, are not subject to the wear and tear caused by some weather conditions such as sun, rain or wind. As a consequence, the product reaches the consumer in better condition, which means a greater profit.

Research: Greenhouses make it possible to study and control crops, as well as the ideal conditions for their optimal development.


Greenhouse irrigation systems

Irrigation is undoubtedly one of the most important factors for any type of crop to grow properly. Plants absorb water and all the nutrients they need through the soil. The crops inside a greenhouse do not receive water naturally, through rain. Therefore, it is essential to know the needs of our type of crop to choose the ideal irrigation system.

In Mundoriego We tell you everything you need to know about greenhouses!

Remember that at Mundoriego we are at your disposal. Find on our website everything you need for irrigation in greenhouses. Come meet us at!, and we are also experts in urban garden accessories, aspersion, water pipes y irrigation materials.


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Sergio Lozano Saura

Sergio Lozano Saura

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