What to grow in the fall in an urban garden

As you know, when it comes to planting, the season in which we are is important since not all vegetables can be grown at the same time. If you are considering what to grow in autumn in your urban garden, this article will provide you with the information you need.


Carrots are perfect for growing in the fall in your urban garden. In general, you can plant them at almost any time of the year. The only thing you have to keep in mind is to avoid frost so that what you plant does not end up spoiling. You have to wait a total of 90 days to be able to harvest them.


Garlic is one of the best vegetables to grow in the fall in an urban garden. In fact, this season and winter are when sowing can be done. In addition, the cultivation is quite simple: the clove of garlic is sown directly in the ground and it only remains to maintain the crop until harvest.


Swiss chard, like carrots, can be sown practically all year round. The only thing you have to be especially careful about is not sowing in times of very high or low temperatures. 50 days are required to harvest. If you are going to plant more things, you can grow your chard together with the garlic to make good use of the land since its roots grow a lot.

Green peas

Peas are typical of this season, so it is one of the essentials to grow in the fall. As long as frosts are taken into account, there is no risk of losing what has been sown. What is highly recommended is to put a stake, although it is not necessary to tie the plants. It takes 60 days to harvest them. It is not convenient to grow them together with garlic or onions, but it can be done with onions.


Onion cultivation is very simple. The only thing that requires a little attention is to remove the flower spike, when it appears. A good idea is to plant them together with the carrots because in this way we can scare away the flies that tend to attack this vegetable a lot.

The seedlings should be buried with 15 centimeters of separation between each one. If we want the bulbs to be tender, we can harvest them after 2 months. If we want them larger, at 3 or 4 months.


Celery can also be grown in the fall. As it tolerates the cold quite well, it can also be done in winter, although if we choose this last season we must take into account that the plant will flower earlier.

Celery germination is slow and its cultivation requires a lot of water. These are the two most important points to keep in mind. It should not be planted together with the carrot.

Other vegetables you can grow in the fall

Remember that in Mundoriego you will find all the material you need to set up and maintain your urban gardens such as tutors, irrigation programmers, etc. Visit our website, in mundoriego we also have more products that you need such as: urban garden accessories, aspersion, water pipes y drip irrigation.